Kabbalah and Prophecy


SKU: PROPHESY-2023 Category:

Join me to enable a deeper spiritual connecting for yourself.  I practice and teach Soul Memory Discovery and have supported hundreds of facilitators to open their channels and experience the Divine LoveLight flowing through and into their voices, their work, and their worlds.  I would love to share some of this with you. 

The Sweet & Easy Pendulum Workshop

If you ever wanted to learn how to successfully Use a Pendulum to communicate with your Guidance Team ~ come play with us in The Sweet and Easy Pendulum Workshop.

During this on-demand workshop, Ellen Kaufman Dosick will show you everything you need to get started and develop your skill.

If you'd like to know more about your Guidance team, you may also want the Sweet & Easy Guidance workshop.

The Sweet & Easy Guidance Workshop

If you ever wanted to learn how to communicate with your Guidance Team and find out who they are ~ come play with us in The Sweet and Easy Guidance Workshop.

Watch the recording from this Zoom Workshop with Ellen Kaufman Dosick to find all of this out.  If you've never used a pendulum before, you may want to order and watch The Sweet and Easy Pendulum Workshop, too.


you are invited

to a


3-part class with Ellen Kaufman Dosick, LCSW


to open into the world of

Receiving and Transmitting


Together, we will:

 ~ Deepen our ways of opening Sacred Space

~ Become acquainted with our Guidance Teams

~ Learn how to use a pendulum to connect with Spirit

~ Raise our frequencies in order to receive

~ Open our channels to the Flow of Divine Light and Love

~ Receive information from the Higher Realms


 1 1/2 hours, once a week, for 3 weeks, over Zoom

Tuesdays, August 15, 22, 29

9:00 – 10:30 AM (PDT)