Soul Memory
journey into the soul

What is Soul Memory Discovery?
oul Memory Discovery is a powerful healing modality that enables us to access, identify, and release troubling issues that limit our lives, and keep us from the full expression of our Essence and Being. Over the past 30 years, hundreds of Soul Memory Discovery Facilitators have successfully shared this healing modality with many tens-of-thousands of people all around the world. We invite you to experience a session for yourself.

Are you hungry for answers?
Would you like a deeper, richer relationship with Spirit?
Are you looking for ways to help yourself and others with personal healing?
Would you love to support Earth and Humankind in this great Ascension Process?
Are you longing for connection with like-minded community?

The Cosmic Times
Spiritual News You Can Use
Spiritual News You Can Use
Do you often find yourself trying to understand the larger picture?
Are you aware of patterns in your world and want to know what they mean?
he Cosmic Times is a monthly channeled newsletter filled with detailed information about what is happening energetically in our Cosmos, and how we can best support the emerging Consciousness within ourselves and our world. Every issue contains a spiritual process and technique for you to do, that enables you to be in greater harmony with the unfolding evolution, so that your life becomes easier and more grace-filled.

Who We Are
community of seekers, healers, teachers and therapists, just like you, with a common goal – cultivating a rich connection with Spirit. We invite you to join us in a teleclass or workshop, have a personal session with a Soul Memory Discovery facilitator, and subscribe to the Cosmic Times and see how rich your connection can be!
Find a Soul Memory Facilitator
And schedule a session