Soul Memory Discovery
Workshops & Teleclasses
Join Us!
e offer a number of workshops and teleclasses designed to support your evolution – from thought-provoking discussion groups, to the Mastership series which supports deep learning and the development of internal mastery.
You can also learn the Soul Memory Discovery process, to use either on yourself with the Opening to Your Soul workshop, or with clients as a certified Facilitator with our Facilitator Intensive.
Already a Soul Memory Discovery Facilitator? Join us for our periodic Reunions and Teleclass series each year.
You’ll find information on all of our offerings here as they become available.

Become a Soul Memory Discovery Facilitator
his is the course which allows you to learn the full Soul Memory Discovery Process, so you can practice as a Soul Memory Discovery Facilitator, and use this approach to facilitate others’ healing, as well as your own.
This is an in-person workshop and will be held in the San Diego Area.

The Sweet & Easy Pendulum Workshop
f you ever wanted to learn how to successfully use a pendulum to communicate with your Guidance Team ~ come play with us to develop your skills and find out
~ what a pendulum is and how it works
~ how to open and close Sacred and Protected Space
~ how to get clear and accurate information
~ how to communicate with your Guidance Team
~ easy protocols for accessing information
~ how to care for your pendulum and keep it cleansed
This Workshop is now available as a Virtual Workshop
You’ll be able to access all the materials in your Account,
including the recordings of both the
Pendulum Workshop and Question & Answer session,
after you order
It’s fun and delightful and opens whole new worlds to you!

The Sweet & Easy Guidance Workshop
f you have ever wondered Who Are My Guides? and How Can I Communicate With Them? come play with us!
Grab your pendulum and join Ellen Kaufman Dosick for this 2 hour virtual experience, to learn about
~ the nature of our Guidance Teams
~ how to open and close Sacred and Protected Space
~ who our Guides may be…
~ …and how to find out
~ how to communicate with your Guidance Team…
~ … and how to stay connected
~ how to use your pendulum for that purpose
This Workshop is now available as a Virtual Workshop
You’ll be able to access all the materials in your Account
after you order
It’s fun and delightful and opens whole new worlds to you!

The Sweet & Easy Lighten Up Workshop
f you have ever wondered about Pain and Suffering, Faith and Trust, Compassion and Healing and Spirit it is time to Lighten Up !!!
Come play with us in this workshop to learn about
~ the nature of our Souls
~ the meaning of Life
~ 3D and the Fifth Dimension
~ Separation and Oneness Consciousness
~ this Ascension Process
~ Joy and Bliss and Peace
(…just the small stuff!)
This Workshop is now available as a Virtual Workshop
You’ll be able to access all the materials in your Account
after you order
It’s encouraging and empowering and gives us a new way to see the world!

A Way to Deeper Connecting
he Advanced Pendulum Group delves deeply into using the pendulum as a tool to connect with our MasterGuides and Teams of Light. This virtual workshop is perfect for you if you’re already clear about using your pendulum and are desiring to experience greater intimacy with the Divine and Divine Guidance.
If it’s been awhile since you used a pendulum or connected with Guidance, we’ve got you covered! While we don’t cover the basics during the Advanced Pendulum Group, you can access them easily by adding our Sweet & Easy Workshops to your order. With the Sweet & Easy Pendulum Workshop you can learn the basics or refresh your understanding of using the pendulum. The Sweet & Easy Guidance Workshop will help you discover who your Guides are and how to connect with them.
This Workshop is a Virtual Workshop
You’ll be able to access all the materials in your Account
after you order

The Herstory of The World
he Divine Feminine Herstories are the stories-from-before-time that foundation our world. They are mystical epic tales that tell of the complex relationships between the Feminine and Masculine, Heaven and Earth, and Humankind and the Divine.
We gather together on a 1½ hour teleconference, once a week, for 4 weeks, to hear the stories and discuss them. Each story carries a wound, and so, is unfinished. It is our job to provide the healing and complete each story, so that we may continue to evolve in accordance with the Divine Design. As the sage teaches, “When we change the story, we change the world!”
Please keep checking back for new Herstory dates – we’d love to have you join us next time!

The Mastership Program
he Mastership Program is a 12-month (Level I and Level II) course in which we take the deep journey in to our essences. This quest enables us to deepen our connection with Spirit, cultivate the unending wisdom and creativity of our Full Selves, and achieve a state of mastery and presence within.
We meet virtually for 1½ hours once a month. We learn together, and Spirit shares with us a 5-10 minute daily practice, which we do over the course of the month. In the middle of the month, we meet on the phone with our questing partner, to share our experience and deepen the practice for ourselves. And I’m available to every participant in the course of the month to speak about how the practice and personal evolution are becoming for them. Each month there is a new area of focus, and another quality that we grow within ourselves.
Since 2012, hundreds of us have journeyed through, and many of us have just completed Mastership Level VI. The program continues to “knock our collective socks off”! It is the most powerful spiritual work I have ever done for myself.
Please keep checking back for new Mastership journeys – we’d love to have you join us next time!

Open to Your Soul
earn the Soul Memory Discovery process for yourself! Over these 4-days you’ll learn the essence of the Soul Memory Discovery process, specifically designed for personal use. You’ll learn exactly how to do for yourself what is done in a Soul Memory session.
The sacred procedures are simple and straightforward — tools you can use for self-discovery, self-healing, and enrichment for the rest of your life. And you will experience a lovely acceleration of spiritual growth and personal evolution over the course of the class.
Every morning and afternoon, we will enter a new gate, moving closer and closer to our Heart of Hearts, our Holy of Holies, learning through discussion, lecture, demonstration, and hands-on practice.
The 1st Gate
Creating Sacred Space, entering the Holy, and using a pendulum
The 2nd Gate
Exploring past lives and healing Karmic Issues
The 3rd Gate
Playing in the mysteries and re-membering who you are
The 4th Gate
Connecting with your Guides and exploring relationships
The 5th Gate
Finding your mission and life purpose
The 6th Gate
Honoring the evolution of your soul and playing with Spirit
Opening to Your Soul is a 4-day “retreat” with Spirit!
Registration will be $485
This workshop is offered in person only and is held in the San Diego area. We’re pre-registering now and, as we’re able to come together to learn while taking really good care of our health and well-being, we’ll be in touch with dates and an invitation to finalize your registration.
Find a Soul Memory Facilitator
And Schedule a Session