The Cosmic Times
Spiritual News You Can Use
Do you often find yourself trying to understand the larger picture?
Are you aware of patterns in your world and want to know what they mean?

The Spiritual Headline News
Many people consider the Cosmic Times to be the “Spiritual Headline News”, filled with answers that help them make sense of their lives and this world. Some people say, “The Cosmic Times saves my life! It helps me maintain my sanity in a crazy world!”

Why read the Cosmic Times?
It helps to know that there are good reasons for the way you’re feeling!
It can be great to know that what you’re experiencing is REAL!
That many others are experiencing it also!
And that you are actually in tune with your world!
his channeled information about our world has been coming on a regular basis since 1994. Many people have been growing and expanding their Conscious awareness about themselves, Earth’s and Humankind’s evolution, and the Divine, for over 25 years, through reading these Cosmic Times.
The messages are beautiful, uplifting, inspiring, and absolutely fascinating and enlightening.

Some Excerpts from recent Cosmic Times
As Consciousness raises you into a Fifth Dimensional range of frequency, vibrations rise as well. You are more aware of all the God-in-formation that has always been present. What is God-in-formation? It is Light and Love.
You are being rebuilt to be able to hold and run more Light and Love through your beings.
– Cosmic Times – Feb 2023
Every time you crack open your heart and let the Love flow, you, yourself, are raising the Earth’s vibration. And eventually, when there are enough of you Loving, Earth’s vibration will be so high that the lower-vibrational energies that only exist in 3D Separation will no longer have the power to affect you at all. They will be moot . . .
– Cosmic Times – Dec 2023
In Oneness Consciousness, everyone and everything and every moment are parts of the One Weave. That is, each is connected, or related, with all. There is nothing that is outside of this Relationality. What this means is that nothing is, until it has been invited and welcomed, and room has been made for it . . .
– Cosmic Times – Feb 2024